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Understanding Tags and Trigger Warnings

News and Updates
Published: 19th February 2022 8:42 PM GMT

We’re reaching nearly 10,000 books on Why Choose? but did you know that as we’ve been adding them, we’ve been trying to tag them to make your searching as easy as possible?

When adding books, we’ve relied on either guessing from the blurbs (where there are blurbs), or from when the admins or mods have read them. Which means, although we’ve tried, we may have either missed some or put the wrong tags on.

If you’ve read the book and you think there’s a tag missing, please do help us out by suggesting tags. We’ve got nearly 350 tags including triggers and kinks.

Trigger Warnings

At Why Choose? we know that some readers need Trigger Warnings. That’s why we give you two options (editable in your profile) to make searching safer for you. Hard Triggers mean that any book with something you cannot read will not show up on the site for you, provided you’re logged in. Soft Triggers are for those who can read books with certain triggers provided you’re in the right frame of mind. These will give you a warning bar at the top of the book page for you.

If you see a book which is missing a Trigger Warning, please do let us know. We want to make reading as enjoyable experience for everyone as possible.

Searching Tags

There are now two ways to search a tag. If you’re on a book page, you can click on the tag and it will show you all the books listed with that tag.

Alternatively, you can visit our amazing search page and filter down even more – putting in what you do and don’t want. Please note, this is an ‘AND’ search – you want vampires AND werewolves.

When it comes to searching by Triggers, these are not listed in the search option. We understand that there are occasionally topics that have overlap, such that some may find it a trigger and others may find it a kink. To keep it simple in these situations the books are tagged with both the “Trigger” and “Kink” tags. Kidnapping is one of these examples.

And of course, if you set your profile to exclude a certain trigger, you won’t have books with those Kinks appearing in your searches!

If you want to see our full list of tags, you can visit:


New Book Release – Stray

Book Release
Published: 17th February 2022 12:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to November Sweets on the release of Stray.

Things are finally going well for me.  After years of being on the run from a mad man. I finally feel like I can settle down in one place with the man; well vampire; that I love.  Of course things can’t stay that way for long. Read more here!

New Book Release – Kitty Cornered

Book Release
Published: 17th February 2022 12:00 AM GMT

It’s release day for Katelyn Beckett! Their book, Kitty Cornered, is available now!

I never thought it would come to this.My family is organized chaos with plenty of debts to settle and lots of under-the-table deals. I'm the only one of our family that can shapeshift, making me a rarity worth plenty of money.
Read more here!

New Book Release – No Such Luck

Book Release
Published: 16th February 2022 8:00 AM GMT

It’s release day for Letty Frame! Their book, No Such Luck, is available now!

St Patrick’s Day was meant to be the highlight of our Spring Break vacation. Instead, Skyler goes missing, and in my attempt to find her, I end up in a darkened alley, witnessing a murder.
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New Book Release – The Yaga’s Riders: Complete Trilogy

Book Release
Published: 16th February 2022 12:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to C. Rochelle on the release of The Yaga’s Riders: Complete Trilogy.

RISE OF THE WITCH BLURB (Book 1):As with most beginnings, it started with death.When I had nothing left to lose, I traveled to the hut in the woods; the one no one dared approach.
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New Book Release – Sword of Ages

Book Release
Published: 15th February 2022 3:00 PM GMT

Congratulations to Jenee Robinson on the release of Sword of Ages.

I was destined to die along with my parents. At the age of ten I ran for my life because of a family legacy that had been kept from me.Fifteen years later, new men are hunting me.
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New Book Release – Damned Souls

Book Release
Published: 15th February 2022 3:00 AM GMT

Happy release day to Kate King, Jessa Wilder for their latest release Damned Souls!

"Traitor."That was my last thought before darkness took over.Now, I've just woken up in the hospital and realized that one of the men I love put me here. Rush is a member of the Trilogy, and there's nothing I can do to bring him back.
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New Book Release – Hybrid Hearts

Book Release
Published: 14th February 2022 1:42 PM GMT

It’s release day for Romy Lockhart! Their book, Hybrid Hearts, is available now!

Starting Gemini Academy, Amanda and Rachel run into a trio of dark arts witches. When Amanda's life is put in danger, Cheryl and Jillian rush to help their best friends. Working as a team, there's more to be gained than lost.Read more here!

New Book Release – Stellar

Book Release
Published: 14th February 2022 3:25 AM GMT

It’s release day for Manuela Rouget! Their book, Stellar, is available now!

I always thought graduating would be the solution to all my problems. It turns out I was wrong. The professional world is way more cutthroat and ruthless than I imagined, and I have to fight tooth and nail to make a name for myself.
Read more here!

New Book Release – Red Hot

Book Release
Published: 13th February 2022 12:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to Laurel Chase on the release of Red Hot.

Home is calling, and I've ghosted long enough.It's time to visit my mother - she's the last option for getting answers to my questions. The problem is, my gut still doesn't trust her.
Read more here!

New Book Release – Rejected Wolf

Book Release
Published: 11th February 2022 8:00 PM GMT

It’s release day for Rune Hunt! Their book, Rejected Wolf, is available now!

Five men have changed my wolf. And I'm not sure if it's for the better. Being unable to shift, having been rejected by one mate, and trying to prove my worth in this new world, I'm finding myself nearing my breaking point.
Read more here!

New Book Release – Power of Fate

Book Release
Published: 11th February 2022 12:00 PM GMT

Power of Fate by Jarica James, Suki Williams is out now! Add it to your TBR list!

My name is Ella Vance, and I’m not crazy. Supernaturals are real. No one believes me, especially my family who would rather lock me away for it. Read more here!

New Book Release – Feral

Book Release
Published: 11th February 2022 4:00 AM GMT

Happy release day to Grace McGinty for their latest release Feral!

They say that cats and women will do what they want, and that had never been more true than in the case of Kitten. I mean, she didn’t even have a name; my best friend Beckett and I had named her Kitten when we were fifteen.
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New Book Release – Monstrous

Book Release
Published: 10th February 2022 12:00 PM GMT

Monstrous by Harper A. Brooks is out now! Add it to your TBR list!

The dark voices aren’t real, they say.They tell me it’s all in my head.But the monsters want to play, you see.So they’ll come for me in my bed.~ I’m still haunted by the monsters of my past.  Read more here!

An Interview with Joshua…

Featured Author
Published: 10th February 2022 8:00 AM GMT

Today we meet Joshua Hansen. Joshua is one of the MMCs in Cassandra Joy’s A Touch of Sunshine, the second book in the CJ’s Neighborhood series.

This interview may include spoilers from the series, so if that’s not your thing, go read and then come back here!

What is your full name? Do you have a nickname (if so, who calls you this)?

Joshua Brian Hansen. Alex calls me moyo solnyshko.

Do you have scars, how did you get them?

Many emotional ones from my father.

Did you enjoy school? What were your favorite classes?

Any class with JoJo in it. Now? Any class with Sarai. Too bad we don’t have more together.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

If I grow up? A chef. Maybe.

Who has had the most influence on you?

My mom has always been my biggest hero, my greatest inspiration.

What is the most evil thing you have ever done so far?

Does eliminating an abuser from the face of the earth really count as evil?

Have you ever been arrested? Do you have a criminal record?

I have a parking ticket. And maybe a self-defense murder that was expunged.

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

I wouldn’t let JoJo get in the car with her dad on prom night.

In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any being could do?

Domestic Abuse.

Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

Yes. I killed my father when he wouldn’t let my mom go.

What is your body count (interpret this as you wish)?

One. My father.

What says the most about a person?

How they treat waiters.

New Book Release – A Promise of Torment

Book Release
Published: 9th February 2022 8:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to Mallory Fox on the release of A Promise of Torment.

Blood hides carnal desiresPower is overratedKilling for family is tainted with nothing but loveMy emotions are supposed to be dead.I was never meant to feel this. Pain. Anger. Rage.Feelings erode me from the inside.They make me weak.
Read more here!

New Book Release – A Touch of Sunshine

Book Release
Published: 9th February 2022 12:00 AM GMT

Happy release day to Cassandra Joy for their latest release A Touch of Sunshine!

They need him—and her—to complete them. Read more here!

New Book Release – Atomic Angel

Book Release
Published: 8th February 2022 8:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to Laura Navarre on the release of Atomic Angel.

A rebel princess. A nuclear arsenal. And three galactic heroes hot enough to singe any cybergirl’s circuits.
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Meet Cassandra Joy

Featured Author
Published: 8th February 2022 7:00 AM GMT

Cassandra Joy is an author of adventure reverse harem romance. She’s an avid reader of most every type of romance, but loves steamy MM action and one woman being pleasured by multiple men the most.

A Touch of Sunshine, the second book in the CJ’s Neighborhood Series releases February 8th.

What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?

Usually a single character, then the plot, then the rest of the characters.

What inspired the idea for your book?

My actual neighbors.

Would you and your main character get along?

Yes. But I’d be the super-protective, slightly older friend. She’d be the sweetheart encouraging me to not give up.

If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters?

Sandra Bullock

What do you hope readers will take away from this story?

That they can overcome anything from their past.

What is the one thing you wished you could tell your readers?

You are seen and appreciated.

What hobbies would you like to get into if you had the time and money?

Legos. Mainly to build with my kids.

What’s your favorite app on your phone?

Kindle. Then Killer Sudoku.

What was your hardest scene to write?

The fight scene in A Touch of Sunshine.

What was the most fun scene to write?

A sex scene in a fan fic that’ll never see the light of day.

New Book Release – Captured by the Monsters

Book Release
Published: 7th February 2022 8:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to R.L. Caulder, M.J. Marstens on the release of Captured by the Monsters.

Our leaders said it’s an honor to be chosen to go to The Below.  I said f*ck that. So close…I was so f*cking close to aging out of the selection process to be offered up to the monsters from The Below. Read more here!

Slasher Heart – an extract

Featured Author
Published: 4th February 2022 9:45 AM GMT

Have you read Holly Bloom’s Slasher Heart yet?

Slasher Heart is the second book in the Lapland Underground series.

I faltered as his grey piercing eyes ran over my curves. I looked at West, whose expression remained as dark and unreadable as ever. Then Rocky, who balled his hands into fists on the table.

All three of them were criminals. They’d all done twisted and terrible things. Their damaged pasts had brought them together, and they formed a bond deeper than blood. They were a family. Brothers. They were also all devastatingly panty-meltingly gorgeous.

How could anyone choose between them?  

First, there was Zander. The leader with no limits. If you went against him, you’d be dead. No questions asked. Zander had a ruthless efficiency and vicious streak that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. He had the money, power and connections to get whatever he wanted no matter the cost. While he got off on power, more depth hid beneath his angular jawline. Zander was a fierce protector and didn’t trust easily. He’d gut anyone who crossed his family and if you were in, he’d never let you go…

Then there was West. The giant who could rip your legs off with his bare hands. When West saw red, violence was the only language he could understand. He was a powerhouse of brute force and would do whatever needed to be done for those he cared about. Underneath his thick biceps, West had a softer side too. As much as he liked to make out he was a monster, the big, scary beast protected an inner teddy bear. Even if he was too scared to show it or admit how he felt…

Finally, Rocky. The only person I’d ever truly loved who betrayed me in the worst way. Gang life and Redlake had changed him. Over the years, he’d seen and done things no one should ever have to do. This is not the life he’d have chosen for himself and he hated himself for it. His anger at the world made him an unpredictable loose cannon who could explode at any moment, but I still caught glimpses of the funny laid-back guy I fell for as a teenager. Would it be possible for him to find his way back, or was he too broken to fix?

“Tell us who you want to fuck, Candy,” Zander repeated.

Why the fuck hadn’t I chosen dare? 

New Book Release – Daemon Legacy

Book Release
Published: 3rd February 2022 10:00 PM GMT

Daemon Legacy by Stacey Brutger is out now! Add it to your TBR list!

Read more here!

New Book Release – The Elven Prince

Book Release
Published: 3rd February 2022 11:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to K. Rose on the release of The Elven Prince.

Join the Elven Prince on an adventure to take the Oracle’s treasure to The Fire Keepers.A journey that will take him through unknown lands outside of his safely guarded kingdom.
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New Book Release – Checkmate

Book Release
Published: 1st February 2022 9:00 PM GMT

It’s release day for Emily Kinsman! Their book, Checkmate, is available now!

Dylan survived the traumatic events that transpired on the grounds of Halder Academy. Now it’s Winter break, and it’s time for her to travel home with the Halder brothers. Read more here!

New Book Release – A Naughty Lesson

Book Release
Published: 1st February 2022 12:00 PM GMT

A Naughty Lesson by Mika Lane is out now! Add it to your TBR list!

The sexy professors who make my life hell are about to teach me a naughty lesson.Write an English essay about being a virgin, I thought.Seemed like a great idea at the time.Now, not so much.
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New Book Release – Slasher Heart

Book Release
Published: 1st February 2022 9:00 AM GMT

Congratulations to Holly Bloom on the release of Slasher Heart.

Who knew joining a gang of criminals would be so damn complicated? I pledged my loyalty to the monsters that run Lapland, but the three men I’m bound to hide dark desires behind their smoldering stares. Read more here!
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